星期一, 10月 15, 2007

TOSSUG 心得分享時間:Ksana Search Engine, KsanaCore goes GPL

[English below]
新的分享時間又到了,這週剎那搜尋工坊要將剎那搜尋核心,使用 GPL 釋出,並且介紹這個核心。

時間:  2007/10/16 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm - 9:00pm,聊天時間到打烊為止。
主題:  Ksana Search Engine, KsanaCore goes GPL
分享人: 剎那搜尋工坊軟體工程師 - 葉健欣
地點:  魯米爺咖啡( http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere )有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。

*應用案例 ( Wikipedia, Gutenberg, 古籍等)

目前以開放 SVN access, prebuilt binary 下載,詳情請見 http://www.ksana.tw

This week, Ksana, a software company will release their Ksana Search Engine, KsanaCore as GPL. Yap Cheahshen, a software engineer, will give a introduce for KsanaCore.

Time: 7:30pm 16 Oct (Tue)
Topic: Ksana Search Engine, KsanaCore goes GPL
Speaker: Yap Cheahshen
Place: Cafe Lumiere (map at http://wiki.tossug.org/CafeLumiere),
Free internet access, remember bring your own laptop.

* Developing history
* The design thought and target
* Technical features
* Example cases: Wikipedia, Gutenberg, Chinese ancient books.
* Online operating demo
