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顯示具有 特別聚會 標籤的文章。 顯示所有文章

星期日, 2月 06, 2011

[2/15 TOSSUG 特別活動] Debian 6.0 Squeeze Release Party & Installfest

經過 24 個月不斷地開發,Debian 計畫自豪地獻上最新的穩定版本 6.0 (Squeeze)。Debian 6.0 是一個自由的作業系統,這是第一次同時提供兩種不同的衍生系統。在 Debian GNU/Linux 之外,Debian GNU/kFreeBSD 在這個版本的出現作為一個技術性的預覽。Debian 6.0 包含了 KDE Plasma 桌面環境及應用程式,還有 GNOME, Xfce, LXDE 桌面環境,以及各種伺務器的應用程式。它同時也相容於 FHS v2.3 以及 LSB v3.2。Debian 能夠在各式各樣的平台上運行,從掌上電腦和手持裝置到超級電腦之間的所有平台都能夠執行。Debian GNU/Linux 總共支援了九個不同的 CPU 架構。

After 24 months of constant development, the Debian project is proud to present its new stable version 6.0 (code name 'Squeeze'). Debian 6.0 is a free operating system, coming for the first time in two flavours. Alongside Debian GNU/Linux, Debian GNU/kFreeBSD is introduced with this version as a 'technology preview'. Debian 6.0 includes the KDE Plasma Desktop and Applications, the GNOME, Xfce, and LXDE desktop environments as well as all kinds of server applications. It also features compatibility with the FHS v2.3 and software developed for version 3.2 of the LSB. Debian runs on computers ranging from palmtops and handheld systems to supercomputers, and on nearly everything in between. A total of nine architectures are supported by Debian GNU/Linux.

報名:http://registrano.com/events/4d721a (統計人數使用,不用報名也可以參加)
時間:2011/02/15 星期二 6:00pm ~ 10:00pm
主題:Debian 6.0 Squeeze Release Party & Installfest
語言:中文 / English / ... (Any language on Debian)
地點:Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:00pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
歡迎主動提供任何協助或是活動相關分享,在 http://wiki.debian.org.tw/index.php/DebianReleaseParty 修改即可。

星期六, 12月 11, 2010

【12/21 TOSSUG 特別聚會】白象禮物交換 White Elephant Gift Exchange

[English below]
** 歡迎轉寄 **
不曉得什麼是白象禮物交換的朋友可以先閱讀一下 維基百科 [1]
想要參加禮物交換的朋友請用 http://registrano.com/events/48ab94 報名
報名: http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
時間: 2010/12/21 星期二,活動時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題: 白象禮物交換
語言: 中文/英文
地點: Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費: 店家的低銷兩百元以下,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,有名片的朋友記得帶到。
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_gift_exchange
*** Please feel free to circulate. ***
If you don't what is white elephant gift exchange, please see WikiPedia [1].
If you want to join this event, please register on http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
And prepare a boxed gift that cost about NTD $300 or USD $10.
If you don't want to participle gift exchange, you can still come to see how we play.
Registration: http://registrano.com/events/48ab94
Time: 2010/12/21 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: White Elephant Gift Exchange
Language: Chinese/English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: Some fee requested by restaurant below NTD 200. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.
[1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_elephant_gift_exchange

星期六, 12月 04, 2010

【12/7 TOSSUG 特別聚會】Pasi Nieminen: MeeGo 的簡介、機會和進展

[English below]


** 歡迎轉寄 **

感謝 John Lee 的牽線,在 12/7(下週二)的 Qt Conference [1] 之後,特別商請 Nomovok 公司 [2] 的執行長 Pasi Nieminen 先生 [3] 來土虱和大家非正式地聊一聊他對 MeeGo 的想法,對 MeeGo 很好奇嗎?已經入手 MeeGo 但還有一些困惑嗎?聽聽已經深度投入的人/公司的經驗,也許會有不一樣的收穫喔!

以下是 John Lee 提供的資訊的中譯。

Pasi Nieminen 是 Nomovok 的執行長。Nomovok 是位於芬蘭的 open source 嵌入式系統公司,正在歐洲和亞洲進行幾個 MeeGo 的專案,最大的客戶是 Nokia。Pasi 自 1990 年代就開始開發 open source 軟體,過去十年致力於 open source 軟體的商業推展,過去這年則是完全投入 MeeGo。

他希望和台灣對 MeeGo 開發有興趣的開發者 [4] 聚一聚、建立起對話,他說他「基本上熟悉 MeeGo 的一切」,包括技術面和商業上的展望,如 Nokia、Intel 等公司的計劃。

時間:  2010/12/7 星期二,分享時間 7:30pm 開始,6:30pm 開始入場
主題:  MeeGo 的簡介、機會和進展
主講人: Pasi Nieminen
語言:  英文
地點:  Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
消費:  200元,含晚餐一份,到場付費,6:30pm 開始入場用餐、閒聊、認識新朋友,
注意事項:有免費的無線上網,請別把 notebook 忘在家裡。
[1] Qt Conference @ Taipei: http://qt.nokia.com/about/events/qt-conference-taipei-2010
[2] http://www.nomovok.com/
[3] http://fi.linkedin.com/pub/pasi-nieminen/0/188/2b9
[4] 我個人的解讀是:開發者 = 任何想用或已經用 MeeGo 開發的人,包括但不限於工程師、學生、業餘愛好者、專案經理人等等。



*** Please feel free to circulate. ***

Thanks to John Lee, we'll have a special meetup on 12/7 right after the Qt Conference at Taipei [1]. Mr. Pasi Nieminen [3], the CEO of Nomovok [2], will come to Tossug for an informal talk and chat on MeeGo. If you are curious about MeeGo, or if you are developing your software with it but still are confused, maybe you'll get some insights or answers from someone who has deeply involved in MeeGo.

The following is introduction provided by John.

Pasi Nieminen is CEO of NOMOVOK. The company is specialiced to Open Source in embedded devices, and works on multiple MeeGo projects in Europe and Asia. Pasi has been in Open Source development since '90 and last 10 years just focused for commercial deployments of OSS, last one year fully focused to MeeGo.

He would like to meet with FOSS developers in Taiwan who are interested in Meego development. He said that he knows pretty much everything about Meego. That includes both the technical side and the business aspects such as Nokia, Intel, etc.

Registration:  http://registrano.com/events/1c8a24
Time:  2010/12/7 (Tuesday), 7:30pm - 9:00pm, dinner starts at 6:30pm
Topic: introducing MeeGo: informal intro of MeeGo and related development
opportunities and latest development
Speaker: Pasi Nieminen
Language: English
Place: 2F of Mix Coffee & Tea ( http://www.tossug.org/mix-coffee-tea )
Fee: NT$200 which covers dinner. Pay when you arrive.
Notice: Free WiFi is available.